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Yoga for Tired Clergy - Lent 2025

About This Program

The season of Lent is a beautiful time, carefully curated to draw people into deeper connection with God as we journey toward the cross and the empty tomb. But often times, those doing the "curating" have a hard time finding the space to truly connect. If you need to take a deep breath during Lent this year, this space is for you. A series of gentle yoga classes and soul care practices designed specifically for clergy and faith leaders who are tired, stressed, burned out, navigating the effects of ministry-related trauma, or simply needing a new, out-of-the-box spiritual practice to liven up this Lenten season.. Throughout this series, our souls and bodies will explore Lenten-themed passages intended to gently add to this season of spiritual deepening. This course is designed to take place over seven weeks, beginning on Thursday, March 6 at 9:00 am Eastern Time. Each week there will be a new live yoga class (GENTLE yoga - appropriate for all levels) offered via Zoom, which will be recorded and posted for those who cannot attend live. Each week we will also post a new reflection and a soul care/contemplative prayer exercise, for those for whom some deeper soul care would be helpful. Participants will also have the option (NOT a requirement - but definitely a recommended option) of receiving one 60-minute individual session of spiritual direction. All participants who successfully complete the program will receive a certificate of completion and 1.5 CEUs.





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